8-Week FTP Builder Programme

On Saturday 22nd January, we are kicking off the 8-Week In-Studio Winter Training Programme with a 45min FTP Test at 11:15 and will also be available after the 8-week programme (Sat 22nd January & Sat 12th March) Book into the FTP Test here!

At Evolution we believe the darker, winter months should focus on improving your Functional Threshold Power* (FTP) and VO2max** - your top end fitness. Raise the ceiling of your fitness first, then when the weather improves in the spring, add the volume. This modern method of ‘reverse periodisation’ is time-efficient and highly effective.

This 8-week block of science-based winter training includes our flagship Pro Rides, daily strength sessions and Mobility. It is aimed at cyclists/runners, or those looking to improve your base winter cardiovascular fitness.

These are a mixture of strength and aerobic exercises you can measure yourself against, separated into levels of good, decent, optimal and advanced to help monitor your current level and progression. Whether you're just getting started with EVO, or if you are a regular, you can see how much you can improve in the next 8 weeks!


The Evolution Pro Ride classes are coach-led, power zone training either in the studio or live online via Spivi.home or Zoom. Commit to 2-3 PRO Rides each week.

7.30pm Monday TEMPO – A steadier ride working on cadence and technique

7.30pm Tuesday THRESHOLD (FTP BUILD) – Our legendary Threshold class. Coach-led. Each week we add 3watts to the FTP with the aim of improving our Threshold power by 12-15watts over the course of the programme.

7.30pm Wednesday THRESHOLD (FTP BUILD) – It’s so popular, the Threshold is also available on a Wednesday.

7.30pm Thursday V02max – Top end power intervals and creative drills to raise the ceiling of aerobic performance

11.15am Saturday ENDURANCE – With an epic playlist, improve your ability to hang-on as the classes get longer in our Saturday ZENdurance (60-120mins).

10am Sunday TEMPO – A steadier ride working on cadence and technique


All RIDE45 classes are excellent training classes. All gear and cadence based so if you can't do a PRO Ride then a RIDE45 is excellent training. 


Strength training is not only fundamental to health and injury prevention, but will also aid performance – strong movements which allow you as a cyclist to apply power more effectively and to ride for a longer duration on the road.

Add a STRENGTH class to your week here.


Staying mobile and flexible is important. The Evolution mobility sessions are designed to balance the body and aid your cycling performance.

Add a MOBILITY class to your week here.


The legendary Evolution FTP build is back starting Tuesday 25th Jan and Wednesday 26th Jan at 7.30pm with our Head of Ride, the Professor TA.

These sessions are coach-led. TA will analyse your performance each week and add watts to your FTP. Last year, the average improvement was a staggering 17watts. Book on the same bike and commit to each week for maximum benefit.

*Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the maximum power you can hold in a semi steady-state fashion for 45-60minutes. It is thought to represent your Lactate Threshold, the point at which your muscles start to produce more lactate (the stuff that makes your muscles “burn”) than your body can process, and is a good predictor/measure of endurance cycling performance

**VO2max is the maximum volume of oxygen your body can extract and utilise during exercise (your ceiling of aerobic fitness)

If the whole PRO FTP chat scares you and you just want to Ride no problems - do a PURE or Ride45, they are fab workouts.

If you want to know about FTP, learn more and try a PRO ride you are so welcome - just email Tina and she will help you.


“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. You must make a change. You have to be brave” TA Jan 2021

“Awesome – The whole programme rocked!”

“That was amazing. How you managed to get us all to do that is quite incredible.”

“A precision-engineered epic experience”


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