Nutrition - our handy guide
Nail your training and nutrition with our simple lifestyle guide.
Two strength sessions per week
Our Strength sessions are perfect for slow and controlled strength building
Two low intensity workouts per week
A walk, run, cycle, swim, low impact workout, restorative session
One conditioning class per week
Our Warrior and Engine classes are a perfect option to get your high intensity intervals for the week
Make sure you have enough protein
Ensure you have at least two grams of protein for every kilo of bodyweight. You can use MyFitnessPal or other trackers if you’re unsure you’re getting enough.
Mindful of what you eat
Paying attention to your diet is important. You can use apps like MyFitnesspal to track in detail, write a food diary, write a plan for your meals for the week. If you don’t know what your calorie intake should be, use a TDEE calculator.
Increase your daily movement
Up your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis). This is where you burn calories outside of your training sessions. Park your car a bit further from the shops so you get a few more steps in. Take the stairs. Do some DIY. Move your body!