What is functional fitness and how do we build it into our classes at EVO?

We give you the lowdown on the latest buzzword in fitness, and explain how we incorporate it into our classes at EVO.

What is functional fitness?

Functional fitness is, in essence, a tool to make life easier. It’s the kind of fitness that extends to everyday tasks, enabling us to move safely, efficiently and with confidence.

Yes, cable flys give us a sweet chest and shoulder pumps, but are they going to protect us when we next need to pick up a toddler or put the dog in the boot? Functional fitness isn’t always about getting stronger, it’s about restoration, i.e. counteracting the toll that day-to-day life can take on us, and learning to move safely. For example, sitting at a desk 40 hours a week can cause some real problems, but with something as simple as good programming and regular movement, we can address them

It’s about training our bodies, through muscle memory, to assume a safe and efficient position for movement. For example, is my back rounded and in a vulnerable position while I repot these plants, or is it flat, under tension and ready to bear or move weight around.

We often take these seemingly simple tasks such as walking up the stairs, up a hill or carrying the shopping home for granted, but these are all fantastic and important representations of functional fitness at work.

Our ability to do these tasks without thought or worry, starts from some form of cardiovascular work and a subsequent build-up of endurance. ‘Endurance’ has become synonymous with things such as marathons and ironmen, but in reality endurance can be part of everyday tasks such as keeping up with your child as they learn to ride their bike, or having a long day of sightseeing on your holiday.

How do you incorporate functional fitness into your classes at EVO?

We believe we can make seemingly small tasks of everyday life that bit easier, faster and more comfortable, and the benefit of a class-based gym, like EVO, is that the thinking about which exercises are best for you, is done by our expert coaches.

We programme our classes to incorporate functional fitness moves so you benefit from it, alongside having a brilliant time working out.

What do you recommend in terms of classes per week?

For optimum fitness, and to keep your body and mind healthy, we recommend the following weekly schedule:

Two strength sessions a week:
Our Strength classes are perfect for slow and controlled strength building.

One conditioning sessions per week:
Our Conditioning classes are a perfect option to get your high intensity intervals for the week.

Two low intensity workouts per week:
Go for a walk, run, take a Ride45 Pure class, swim, or try one of our Restore classes

Bodies are precious, you only get one, and you must look after it.

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